Ferry is like cider, only made from a special variety of pears. These are hard to come by, however, and ordinary cooking pears are not really suitable. If you have the good fortune to obtain some perry pears in mixed variety the following notes will be helpful.

Pears oxidise very quickly, even more so than apples, so, if you can, try to extract the juice with the aid of a juice extractor or add a crushed Campden tablet to the juice as soon as it starts flowing. Add also a teaspoonful of Pectozyme and a champagne yeast. The starting specific gravity should be about 1.070 and fermentation should be stopped by racking at about 1.020. The flavour is very delicate and needs a sweet background to be appreciated. Rack into a clean jar, add a Campden tablet and rack again as soon as the perry is bright. Bottle in screw-top bottles, to which a large teaspoonful of golden syrup has been added. It makes a very pleasant sparkling drink in six months, hut does not keep well.