1 Ib. crushed wheat

2 Ib. old potatoes

1 large sweet orange

2 Ib. raisins

3 Ib. Demerara sugar

1 gallon water

Rind and juice of 2 large lemons

Campden tablet


General-purpose yeast

Scrub the potatoes until they are thoroughly clean, rinse any dust off the wheat, chop up the raisins and the fruit rinds and put them all in a mashing vessel, together with one gallon boiling water. When cool add one teaspoonful of pectozyme, one Campden tablet and the fruit juice. Next day add the yeast and nutrient. Ferment for four days, pressing down the cap twice each day. Then strain, squeeze, press dry and stir in 2 Ib. Demerara sugar. Continue the fermentation as long as possible by adding four further doses of 4 oz. sugar each time the S.G. falls below 1.010. If the fermentation will take even more sugar then by all means add more to continue the fermentation to the maximum alcoholic strength that can be obtained, When fermentation finishes make sure that the S.G. is around 1.010, then rack and mature in the usual way for two pears in bulk. Then bottle, using cylindrical corks, for at least one year longer. This wine will keep for many years and will continue to improve. When served it should be treated with great respect, since it will be found to be extremely potent.