5 Ib. beetroot

6 oz. raisins

10 cloves

1/2 oz. crushed ginger

3 1/4 Ib. sugar

I gallon water

1/2 oz. citric acid

Campden tablet



Madeira yeast

Scrub the beetroot thoroughly to get rid of every trace of earth and as much of the earthy flavour as possible. Mince, grate or dice the beetroot, add the cloves and ginger and boil in the water until the beetroot is just tender. Strain on to 2 Ib. of the sugar and the chopped raisins. When cool add the acid, the nutrient, the yeast and a teaspoonful of pectozyme. Ferment for five days, then strain out the raisins, add another 1/2 Ib. sugar and continue the fermentation adding the remaining sugar in 4 oz. doses as the S.G. falls below 1.010.

This wine also takes a long time to mature and should be kept for at least two years, and preferably three, before serving.